
A very special gift!

Each Pack includes:
- 12 Stereoscopic (3d) Postcards , of 18,5
cm x 10 cm. (Offset printing, brilliant aspect, and laminated)
- A Stereoscopic Viewer: Foldable, with very
high quality optics.(No distorsion, no evident chromatic aberrations, and image size increasing, for a better 3d
- A Protection Pack (Illustration
Paper (300 Gr).
- A Full Color 2007 Calendar, in
the Container Pack back side.
A very practical 2007 calendar in the back
side of the containing packaging!!

How to see the 3D Images:
It s very simple: Just put the 3D Viewer centered in front of the 3D
Image, at 20cm or 25cm (In a way you can see it focused). Suddendly, the stereoscopic image (pair of photos) will fuse
into a single one, in Three Dimensions. (See drawing, below.)
Important: Due to the very high quality of these 3D Viewers, and their excellent
optics, and due to the very precise and optimized size of the postcards, the viewing of the 3d images won´ t produce
any visual discomfort, neither in adults, nor in children.

3D Postcards included in the Set:


